National Conference on Contemporary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCCRSET 2024)


Pradeep I
Department of Science and Humanities (Physics), Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-641008, Tamil Nadu, India
Jayaprakash J
Department of Science and Humanities (Physics), Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-641008, Tamil Nadu, India
Ranjithkumar B
Department of Science and Humanities (Physics), Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-641008, Tamil Nadu, India


NCCRSET 2024, Materials Science, Innovation, Engineering applications


The "National Conference on Contemporary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCCRSET 2024)" is a flagship conference in the Feld of Research. NCCRSET-2024 invites high quality research papers in the areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. The primary goal of the conference Facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing of cutting-edge Ideas/research in materials science. Encourage Innovation by showcasing research with real word applications in industry and Engineering applications. Bridge the gap between academia and industry, enabling the translation of research into practical solutions. Raise awareness of the significance of material science in advance technology. Provide a platform for problem-solving and finding solutions to industry and Engineering fields. To provide a forum for discussing the recent trends in the fields of Science, Engineering and Technology at national level. To disseminate recent trends through eminent academicians and industrialists through key notes and invited lectures. Panel discussion will provide an opportunity to discuss ways by which industry academia collaboration can help in the economic growth of our nation especially with global.



March 25, 2024


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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

I, P., J, J., & B, R. (2024). National Conference on Contemporary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCCRSET 2024). IOR INTERNATIONAL PRESS.